nothing EFL teachers enjoy more than a good old whinge about their schools,
their working conditions, and their students. Wherever teachers gather to whine
and dine, you’ll hear them airing their pet peeves and latest stories of
indignities visited upon them at the hands of venal, unscrupulous bosses until
the wee small hours.
Let’s take
a little time to examine just exactly what it is that gets up the noses of
legions of EFL teachers. Ladies and gentlemen, for your entertainment and
edification, I present The Top Five Moans
about EFL.
My boss is a dishonest, dislikeable, unscrupulous
shit. Yes, yes, yes, we’ve all worked for bosses who come under that category.
If you’re working in a developing country, it’s par for the course. The
problem, of course, is that the management’s bottom line (and only line) is profits.
And if maximizing profits requires shafting teachers, staff and students alike,
then that’s what they’ll do. There is no educational watchdog to stipulate
otherwise, no governing body to clamp down on shoddy or non-existent quality,
no national tradition of business ethics. Anything goes.
They keep screwing up my teaching schedule.
Yes, sigh, that too goes with the territory. Scheduling is infernally
complicated and difficult, and so schedulers nearly always take the easy way
out, drawing up schedules that place a teacher in every classroom, but without
any consideration for the individual teachers bound by those schedules. So
you’ll end up with, say, a two-hour class in the morning, a 90-minute class at
4:30, a two-hour break, then a 7:45 to 9:45 class. Thus you will have done five
and a half hours’ work which is all very nice, but it’s spread over a thirteen
and a half hour period. Now the annoying thing is that classes are being held
in that two-hour evening break, during which you’re sitting around the staff
room staring at the walls. If your morning class were to be dropped from your
schedule, and a class allocated to you for that break period, your 5.5 hour
stint would have taken up 5.5 hours of your day. Sure, you’d have done three
classes back-to-back, but most teachers would prefer that to the time-consuming
spread-out schedule. But try pointing that out to the scheduler and see how far
it gets you.
My classes are made up of students of varying
levels. Uh oh, that perennial old problem. Schools will blithely mix levels
within a class for a variety of reasons: the placement testing system is
faulty, the student insists on naming his/her entry level, a student is
promoted in spite of poor showings in the previous level’s final test, or
there’s no class of the correct level currently underway. Mixed levels make for virtually unteachable
classes, which leaves all the students dissatisfied, but it’s an expedient way
of getting maximum revenue, and that, for the management, is the overriding
I’m forever getting demands on my free time.
I’m expected to attend meetings, workshops, school functions and outings – all
of them unpaid. Yes, once again par for the course. You could flatly refuse, of
course, but that’ll leave you in bad odor. Some schools will levy fines or trim
your paid hours as a punishment for your intransigence. How come school
managements have the temerity to expect you to willingly, happily devote hours
of your leisure time to unpaid activities? It’s normal in countries where
there’s huge numbers of unemployed. Locals fortunate enough to be holding down
jobs know that unpaid work is expected of them, and that to refuse to do it could
end up in the loss of their jobs. Thus your local worker will meekly agree to
the outlandish demands on their time. In such work environments, your bosses
will expect the same of expat workers, and react with offended astonishment
when their demands are refused.
My students are unwilling to talk. Yes, you’re
experiencing the back-lash of the Asian educational system. Your students will
have been given English language classes at school from the age of ten or so,
but those classes were heavy on grammar, vocabulary and reading, but light on
listening and speaking. Especially light on speaking. Their classes were just
too damn big to allow time for individuals to speak, and anyway the teacher’s
speaking skills were in all likelihood woefully lacking. So students will sail
through three or four years of English language tuition without ever being
asked to open their mouths and utter a sentence in English. Now here they are
in a private language school, and you the teacher are expecting them to come
out with an English utterance or two every half minute. Ouch. I’ll just avoid
the teacher’s eyes and hope to hell he doesn’t pick on me to say anything.
My new book, EFL minus the B.S. (soon to be
available on Amazon) is my take on the English teaching game world-wide. From
applying for a job, living overseas, work permits, management and mismanagement,
classroom dynamics, teens’ and children’s classes, to sex and the single
True, oh so true. Looking forward to your book.