Asia. I love the place! It charms me. It fascinates me. Whenever I’m away from it, I
miss it like a heroin addict going cold turkey. But I’ve met plenty of people
who couldn’t agree less. They find the heat oppressive, the traffic the stuff
of nightmares, the food unpalatable, and the people plain obnoxious.
I remember reading a
parable about traveling long ago. A traveler approaches a town on foot. On the
outskirts of town he spies a wise old man. (Every parable has its obligatory
wise old man hanging around the edge of town waiting to give sage advice to passers-by.)
“Say, Wise Old Man, how is this town I’m about to enter?”
“Well,” says the WOM
(rather pleased that he’s been asked for his sage advice on what has
hitherto been a quiet day), “how did you find the last town you passed
“Oh, just great! Nice town, friendly people!”
“Well, I think you’ll find this town exactly the same.”
The WOM then sits back on his heels to await the inevitable
next traveler. Sure enough, another guy turns up six and a half minutes later.
“Say, Wise Old Man, how is this town I’m about to enter?”
“Well,” says the WOM, “how did you find the last town you
passed through?”
“Oh, bloody awful. Arse-hole of the world, crap people.”
“Well, I think you’ll find this town exactly the same.”
And that, Dear Reader, teaches us one thing. Which is… um…I
don’t know really. Perhaps it teaches us that wherever you go; there you are.
Or perhaps not. Shit, I think I’m losing track of this blog somewhat.
Where the hell was I? Oh yes – Asia. I love the place.
Where else could you sit at a seaside restaurant viewing the
sweeping vista of a bay, and get sloshed on Tiger Beer at one dollar a can?
Where else could you be the target of admiring glances from a passing parade of
sensational-looking girls? Where else could you stuff your gob with fresh
seafood and pay a measly six dollars for the meal? Where else could you fire an
M-60 machine gun at a paper target on a hillside? Where else could you sit down
at a restaurant table to be joined by two waitresses and the cook determined to
delve into every personal aspect of your life?
So, if you happen to be reading this, Wise Old Man, good on
ya. Keep on dispensing that sage advice of yours.
EFL minus the B.S. is now available on Amazon in both paperback
and Kindle form. The book will be of interest to (a) people contemplating a job
in EFL, (b) newbies wondering just what their EFL course trainers left out, and
(c) battle-hardened veterans of the classroom. Buy your copy today.
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