For a
business that has been one of the world’s top growth industries for more than a
few decades, a business that reaps 6.25
billion pounds a year globally according to The
Economist, it seems rather strange that no-one can agree on what to call
the English teaching profession. Is it EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL, ESOL, or TESOL?
No-one’s quite sure. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
But, when
you come to think of it, this inability to decide on one name for the
profession is rather indicative of the state of the English teaching industry
today. Since worldwide demand for English language tuition surged in the late
sixties and early seventies, the industry has grown like topsy. Some of the key
players have been well-organized professionals; some have been incompetent
opportunists eager to clamber aboard the band-wagon. That’s why today you have
English language schools ranging from the professional to the haphazardly run
bucket-shop. And if you’re in Asia, South America, or countries like Spain and
Greece, you’ll find that three out of four schools are in this latter category.
Why are
these sub-standard schools allowed to operate? Who exactly is keeping tabs on schools
which are out for an easy buck, with not the slightest regard for service,
quality, student needs, or teachers’ working conditions? Why hasn’t the body
responsible for governing schools clamped down on them? Why haven’t they been
given the ultimatum: ‘Shape up or ship out’? All good questions. The answer, of
course, is that there is no body responsible for ensuring minimum quality
standards in English teaching. Some European and Western countries have set up
their own codes of practice, but worldwide? Nowt. Nada. Nuthin. And thus the
rip-off schools, the schools where the only thing that matters is money and
where the words ‘quality’ and ‘standards’ are unknown, continue to operate
unfettered, and in most cases operate very profitably too, thanks very much.
Anyway, what
to call the game we’re engaged in? How about English Teaching for Students All
Over Who Just Want To Learn the Bloody Language (ETFSAOWJWTLTBL)? OK, everybody
agreed? Let’s call it that then. After all, there’s no international body to
say we can’t.
Here’s a customer’s review of EFL minus the B.S.: “So,
you have checked it all out and decided to go teaching overseas. Now listen you
fool… don’t even think about it until you have read this book! I have been an
ESL teacher for close on a decade and this book is about as good as it gets.
Read it… then do it. See you over here.” – Sensai.
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