50 SHADES OF EFL (Part three)
another blog post of idle ramblings, with no clear focus and no main topic.
(And my apologies to E. L. James, author of 50
Shades of Grey for borrowing his
title once again. I’ve just read that
his was the best-selling book of 2012, so I’m hitching a ride on his
shirt-tails, so to speak.)
The most-read
post on this blog would have to be “Your Embassy is Here to Help”. In it I
outlined just what exactly your embassy won’t
do to help you if you get into strife. The post struck a chord, I think,
because most of us who travel abroad usually have in the back of our minds the
comforting thought: “Oh well, if it all goes belly-up, I can always get
assistance from my embassy.” That may have been true thirty years ago, but
today, alas, it’s just a pipe-dream. You’re not convinced? OK, just look up
your embassy’s website on the internet. It makes for alarming reading. Your
embassy’s main function nowadays is to promote trade with the host country. If
you’ve got problems, tough. You’re on your own when you take up residence in a
foreign country. Welcome to the world of user-pays.
hotels come in many shapes and sizes, from sumptuous to down-market. Typically
they are about five stories high, and very, very narrow, as the Vietnamese
government charges taxes on street frontage rather than height. They’ll contain an average of 15 to 20 rooms,
and a budget hotel room will set you back $10 to $15 dollars a night. (Last
year I stayed in a hotel in Can Tho for $5 per night. The room was clean and
spacious enough and it had an en suite bathroom, but the mattress would have to
take the title of the world’s most uncomfortable. Next time I go to Can Tho I’m going to
upgrade my accommodation –
I’m even prepared to pay up to $6 a night for the privilege.)
In Vietnam, you have the Caravelles, the
Pullmans, and the Inter-Continentals, but you also have hotels whose names can
raise an eyebrow or two. I’ve seen the Hung Hotel, the Dung Hotel, the Dong
Hotel, the Ancient Hotel, the Vitamin C Hotel, the Real Darling Hotel, the Dic
Star Hotel (obviously with an eye out for the porno trade), and the Phuc Dat
most of us who descend upon a town or city for the first time are armed with a
Lonely Planet guidebook. And who can blame us? – they’re invaluable aids to the traveler.
Vietnamese hotel owners have woken up to the fact that a mention in Lonely
Planet ensures a year of maximum occupancies and big profits, and some owners
have devised a scam to snare unsuspecting travelers. They snap up each new
edition of the guidebook, and check out which hotels are recommended. Lo and
behold, next day their hotel bears a new name – you’ve guessed it – a name that
LP has recommended. Clever, huh? So, be warned, if your prospective hotel has
been chosen from the pages of Lonely Planet, give the street name and number to
your taxi- or cyclo-driver. Especially in Hanoi, where the scam is most
usually have very little input on what textbooks they use – that’s the
management’s choice. We can usually choose which textbooks we use for
supplementary work though. Over the years I must have taught from around 50
different titles, some good, some patchy, and some a waste of trees. The good
ones are English File, Interchange,
Streamline, and Cambridge English
Course. One stands out above all others in my opinion: the lower levels of Side by Side. It’s based mainly on
illustrations, which is its strength; students start off on a level playing
field when pictures are used as language cues.
A typical page has a short dialog at the top, for example:
in the kitchen.
he doing?
eating breakfast.
it are a series of six to ten small illustrations, and students must apply the
target dialog to talk about each picture in turn.
they’ll be saying:
in the park.
she doing?
eating lunch.
are you?
in the library.
are you doing?
studying English.
particular lesson has 14 different pictorial cues, so assuming you drilled the
target dialog 6 times, then each of the 14 practice dialogs once in unison,
then pairs of students went through the dialogues twice, by the end of the
session each student will have practiced the target language 48 times. Over-kill?
Not at all. The beauty of Side by Side
is that the students don’t realize they’re repeating, repeating, repeating, ad
book gets my top vote for the following reasons. 1. The language patterns are
established and drilled at the start of each page, so every student knows
what’s expected of him or her; it’s just a matter of substituting certain words.
2. It’s fast paced. 3. It’s demanding, but not too demanding. 4. Students get a
lot of repetition of the target language, but such is the nature of the book
they don’t realize it. 5. Student Talking Time is maximized. 6. Students like the book. Six good reasons for
you to rush out and buy Side by Side
today. Unfortunately that’s easier said than done; it’s hard to come by, and
many shops don’t stock it. More’s the pity.
brings me to the subject of the bad books, the duds, the ones that should never
have been printed. Top of the list comes Smart
Kids. If you’ve ever tried to teach from it, you’ll know what I mean. Even
the most basic tenets of teaching a foreign language are ignored. Utterly
unteachable. (Beware any book which claims to employ ‘Accelerated Learning Techniques’
– they’re pie-in-the-sky.) A textbook aimed at adults comes second on my list: Straightforward. It’s a dud of a book because
it’s too ambitious in its aims. Reading passages are over-long and too crammed
with new vocabulary. Listening passages are over-long and tedious. Each unit
starts with open questions for discussion; a sure-fire way to clam students up.
like I say, teachers have little or no input on which book they teach from.
What a shame.
EFL minus the B.S. is now available on Amazon in both paperback
and Kindle form. CUSTOMER REVIEW:
“Excellent book. As a former EFL teacher, ten years in Vietnam and Indonesia,
this book is spot on in giving the basic lay down of teaching overseas. The
book is a quick read and should be read by every EFL teacher. Definitely a good
read while on your flight to whatever country you are going to teach.” – J.D.
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